Monday, June 8, 2009

Developing a mobile application - Tricle

Last month I started working on a project where I wanted to develop a mobile app that could allows users to send SMSs for less than 10 cents on the web through the three mobile operators' websites in
South Africa(Cell C, MTN-SA, and Vodacom-SA) from their cell phones. This app is built using the J2ME(Java 2 Micro Edition) SDK.THe app will send SMSs via the internet. This will only be possible the users' mobile phones heve WAP connectivity as the app will have to connect to the internet to send the SMSs. I will publish the release date here and where it will be found once its done/once its approaching completion coz at this stage I'm struggling one tiny itsy-bitsy thing related to connecting the app to the websites but its nothing I can't sort, just needs huge amounts of concerntration.